Desert Island Part 2!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Today, I have the rest of DESERT ISLAND for y'all. I you haven't read the first part, make sure to read it(you can find it here: Desert Island Part 1)Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


Desert Island Part 2!

Suddenly the wind picked up again, and the boys resumed their tossing and turning. Ben saw a flash of lightning terrifyingly close to the ship. Thunder boomed, and rain poured onto the ship drenching the boys, and making the deck dangerously slippery. 

“Ben! Sound the horn. Someone back onshore might hear us!” Shen yelled.

“But most people will be inside because of the storm!” Ben replied equally loud. 

“Then signal that we are in need of desperate help using the side light!”

Something about Shen’s words struck Ben as familiar. He realized what it was. One of the verses from the riddle, was “In desperate need of certain help.” This was desperate, wasn’t it? Shen himself had said so. The riddle also mentioned, “Find it where lies the kelp.” Kelp was in the ocean, so he was supposed to dive into the ocean? 

While these thoughts ran through Ben’s head, Shen was getting increasing frustrated with his brother. “Ben! We need help! Why aren’t you signaling with the light? I can’t control the ship much longer!” Shen yelled over the roaring wind.

Ben made a quick decision. He had to dive into the ocean, and find something quickly. Ben came from generations of sailors, captains etc. He had learned to swim when he learned to walk, and he could hold his breath for 4 minutes and 6 seconds. He had to try, or both he and his brother would be thrown overboard. 

“Shen!” he yelled. “I found an envelope inside the cabin. If we want to be saved, I need to find something in the ocean. I’m diving in.”

“No way! You’re gonna trust some old envelope you find, and dive into the ocean during a storm, and look for something? You don’t even know what you’re looking for! How am I going to find you again? If you don’t make it back, what will happen then?”

“I know it seems crazy. But read the riddle yourself. I have this really good feeling that once I see… whatever I need to find, I’ll know it’s important. I know it’s risky. But I will find you one day. Please trust me Shen. I can do this.”

Shen sighed. Ben could be quite dramatic, yet persuading at times. But no, this was such a strange piece of information. How could Ben just trust an envelope that he didn’t even completely understand? Shen would not let his brother get away with this. But before he could do anything…

Ben jumped. 

It was very quick. He had climbed onto the railing holding out his arms for balance on the rocking ship. He poised himself into a swallow dive position, and jumped without a second thought. He had left the envelope on the deck for Shen to read. Shen let go of the steering wheel. The ship lurched to the side, so violently that Shen nearly fell into the raging waters below. Shielding his eyes from the rain, he walked toward the yellowish piece of paper on the sopping wet deck. 

Suddenly he slipped, and went sliding toward the edge of the boat. He leaned against the railing to catch his breath, when the railing snapped, and fell into the ocean. Shen yanked himself up, and crawled slowly toward the envelope. He looked up. A tsunami sized wave at least 50-feet tall was about to engulf the boat. 

He tore open the envelope. He quickly memorized the riddle, and prayed that Ben would not take too much time. It seemed that the longer Ben took, the worse the weather got, and the more Shen’s life was in danger.

Meanwhile, Ben was diving deeper, and deeper. He was a fast swimmer, and the water around him was cold and dark. He could barely see a thing. He felt the water rushing around him, from the storm above, and knew he had to hurry. He was running out of air, and Shen was running out of time.

He looked around him again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a light. Quickly he swam toward it: an island.

His first thought was, “An island underwater? Of course!” The island had a large mountain on top of it. From Ben’s position, he saw a cave. He swam inside it. Inside was… a writer’s desk? No one was sitting in the chair. But it was a desk. Ben swam closer, and saw to his astonishment, a pencil writing by itself. The paper had several complicated equations on it. Near the paper was 3 pieces of dark green kelp. 

Ben read the paper. It said: “2+3=1+3. What is 3+3? It would equal 46,000 by the parameter.” It was nonsense Ben knew, but something else caught his eye. The bottom of the page read:

Good fellow good friend,

This isn’t the end,

But you have saved the world.

From unimaginable terrors,

To suffering griefs,

You have found PEACE KELP,

And have made peace.

With the natural and supernatural forces

In this confusing place,

You have proved your worth,

You have won the race. 

Now go save your people, 

Before they vanish forever,

But keep one thing in mind:

To those who seek true power, the divine one they must find.

My friend,

This is the end to all the folks who knew you,

But now you begin an ocean quest,

In the heart of the Earth so blue.

Ben read the words, then suddenly he realized something. He had been underwater for much longer than 4 minutes and 6 seconds. Yet he felt as if he could hold his breath forever, and not exhaust his lungs. His fingers tingled with excitement, at the prospect of a quest. 

But he hesitated. Would his parents let him go? Would Shen prefer to accompany him? Would Isla miss him? He had no friends so that wasn’t a problem. Yet perhaps on this quest he would make some. He knew what he had to do. He had to go, he just had to. There was no question of yes or no, this was his chance to prove to the world who he was, to have a purpose in his life.

But first, the fate of his brother was in his hands. Quickly he wrapped the kelp around his right-hand wrist. Suddenly the island started rising, mountain, and everything. Ben held onto the writing desk for support as the island rose upwards. 

It rose higher and higher until finally it reached the surface of the water, and Ben felt his lungs breathe in fresh, cool, sweet air. He let go of the ledge and fell to the ground coughing out sea water.

Shen on the other hand, had never seen such a sight. As the island slowly came into view, the sky cleared. The sun began to shine onto the boat, and the waters calmed, and lapped around the side of the ship. The wind became a gentle soft breeze once again, and a flock of seagulls flew overhead.

Shielding his eyes from the sunlight, Ben emerged from the cave inside the mountain on the island. Shen had never seen a more welcome sight. He ran toward his brother, as fast as his heavy, wet, sneakers would allow him too, and engulfed him in a bear hug. The 2 boys then, lay on the island beach to dry, and spoke.

“Do you have any idea what happened after you jumped? This huge tsunami wave came and nearly wrecked the ship! Not that it’s not already wrecked. Why did the weather get like that and how did it stop? It’s no use lying. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me the reason! Huh? Huh?” Shen said as fast as he could. He had so many questions on what had happened, and Ben was the only one with answers. 

Ben spoke in a quiet voice, pushing down all his other emotions. “Our family comes from generations of captains, and sailors. But that’s not what I am meant to do. I was born to go on a quest and find something in the ocean. Something to help everyone. Before this, I had no real purpose in life. Now I do. I just can’t pass out this opportunity, Shen. You’ve got to understand. I need to do this. To prove to the world, that I’m different and special, and to introduce ideas no has ever even imagined!”

For some reason Shen nodded his head. Suddenly Ben leaped up and dive into the water. Shen was startled to see his brother react do fast. But deep down, he knew that Ben was right. Everyone has a purpose in life. Ben’s just happened to be an extraordinary one. 
