Story By My Friend: Desert Island

Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK!! I know I said I wouldn't post today but my friend wrote a sstory that she wanted to share so.. here it is! This is the first part. I'll post the last part later. Again, THIS WAS WRITTEN BY HER. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!!


O’Keefe shipping lines. The name was well-known throughout the whole naval
community in the town of Baronsburg. This is why it was quite peculiar when 12-year
old Benjamin O’Keefe was missing after an outing on the USS O’Keefe with his brother.
It was early morning on what would turn out to be a stormy Saturday. The sun
had not yet risen, and the sky was navy blue. Ben woke up and looked at the bright
moon in the distance. His adopted brother Shen Yi called from downstairs.
    “Ben! Are you coming or not? We have to go before the sun rises! The trout
aren’t going to be leaping at 10 am!”
    “Coming Shen! My alarm didn’t work today again. Is Mum downstairs?”
    “You’re going to wake Isla. Come down and talk.”
Ben dressed in jeans, and a sweater before padding down the stairs caring not to
wake his sister. Standing in the kitchen was his dad, brother and mom. His dad turned
to him.
    “Morning Ben. Ready for a day of ocean adventure?”
    “You bet! I can’t believe we get to take the new boat out without any adult
    “Well, your mother and I decided that Shen was responsible enough to guide
your trip. But you have to behave mind you, or we’ll send a lifeguard to bring you back.”
A twinkle in his eye suggested that Mr. O’Keefe was joking. Ben grinned and
grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. He peeled it and took a large bite. Meanwhile Mr.
O’Keefe instructed his eldest son once again the directions to go and come back, and
the times of high and low tide. When he felt sure that Shen understood, the boys said
goodbye to their mother, and went out the door accompanied by their father.
At the dock, they readied the boat, climbed in and took their positions: Shen at
the steering wheel, Ben as the lookout. They waved to their father as the boat drifted
away, until Mr. O’keefe was merely a speck in the distance.
For the next hour the boys drifted silently looking for fish and feeling free in the
ocean breeze. But after some time, a rough wind started to blow. The clouds had turned
a dark shade of gray, and the ocean was tossing and turning frantically. The boat was
spinning in circles, despite Shen’s attempt to steer it. But after a few minutes the wind
seemed to give up on throwing the boys overboard.
    “Get the hot chocolate from the cabin, will you?” Shen called out. Ben nodded
and walked toward a red door in front of a small, pristine, white cabin. He went inside
and found a tall blue thermos. He opened one of the white cupboards to get a cup,
when an envelope fluttered down.
In surprise he opened it. It read:
In desperate need of certain help,
Find it where lies the kelp.
It must take you little time,
For otherwise happen will the divine.

Ben pondered over the riddle then went back out to give Shen his hot chocolate.
