
it was the wrong desicition. he could have lived his life safely, tucked into her heart, in a special place. Made specially for him. but he broke it all. it was a matter of moments, that broke everything.  it took days and days, long nights and longer days. nothing would work. her trust was gone, her heartbeat altered to his liking, and changing it back would be difficult. then came the day that she felt as though it were better. maybe it was the bags under eyes, or the ever existing lump in her throat. her broken heart was healed, but like a vase, gluing it together won’t work. there'll still be cracks and parts missing. it’ll never be the same.

i just got a new mac, so im still kinda figuring out how to use it cause ive been a windows user my whole life lol but macs are cool...the speakers are the best part tho. 

eat healthy, but enjoy food <33
