life update (my insperation is on vacation)

my title? it rhymes. im so cool oml.

EYYYYYY WASSUP MY BEAUTIFUL PINEAPPLES?? please call my insperation and tell it to come back because bro- its been on vacay for too long. ok so since i dont really have anything to post, imma do a life update, cause brosikas, a whole lot has been going on


ok so i got a new MAC which you may know cause i talked about it... but im also getting a PHONE AHGHGAWOIHUGSFJGNSDJKFKAJ!!!! its a flip-phone, but it has a screen and stuff, and it has all the essentials so we good lol.

im also trying to figure out editing, but imovie sucks. hard. like bro... its text is so bad, especially because you cant JUST TYPE, there has to be SOMTHING. s o y e a h. i gave up on imovie lol.

oh yeah also, im completley into olivia and taylor, like huh?? why?? oh right. because they are amazing. ive probably listened to evermore an unhealthy amount of times lol

im also font hunting and bro- these fonts- are too- pretty- my eyes- ouch- ill post them- once my blindness- goes away-

ok welp cya later peepos :P HAVE NICE SLEEP ITS IMPORTANT
