
 her heels click clacked on the floor. her dagger hung loosely against her hip, in case she needed to use it. the lights flickered around her. her hair was wild, loose strands hanging everywhere. some would call her a psychopath. but she was a woman, on a mission. and nothing could stop her. another guard came around the corner, trying to block her path. she loosened the dagger from its place, hanging from her hip, quickly bringing it up, and digging it into the mans chest. he dropped to the ground, his red blood pooling around him. she picked the blade from his skin, wiping the red liquid on his shirt, shining it. she stood, dusting her coat. she took a step over him, and continued down the hallway. she had a job to do. no man was to stop her.

hehe now when im writing, ill add a song. it adds a better effect to the writing. i was listening to that on repeat while writing that, it was amazing. anyway, 101st POST BAESSSS THIS IS COOL. i gotta stop being excited for these stupid things.

good night m'loves <3 (i cant say that without bursting our into tears tf?)
