
     Most that fear the dark, aren’t afraid of darkness, but what lies within. Not knowing what resides beneath that cloak of uncertainty is the scariest part. But what you should be afraid of is creatures in the light. Ones that can hide from you, while you are staring deep into their eyes. She was hiding from everyone. To most, she was the girl who always had a compliment to dish, a smile to give. To him, she was a different person. He manipulated her, calling his actions love. The eternal light that radiated from her skin hid the pitch black heart underneath, and the growing of insincerity. She had lied to all that she knew, chest deep in dishonesty and toxic love. But, as you know. She is in the light. You don’t look for her, because you know she is already there. It’s a master plan really.

yup one long paragraph :) no dialouge :) im boring y'all arent i lol also we're at 90 posts so yuhhhh thats coolllllllllllllllll IM GONNA REACH 100 BEFORE ONE YEAR OH NOES THAT SCARY I POST WAY TOO MUCH

ok that was the writing nowwwww im going to the beach so i might schedule some posts, so i dont leave you but idk we'll see

HAVE FUN LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33
