
    he walked past all of the gravestones, looking for a specific one. then he found it. hers. he placed the bouquet of baby pink carnations on the grave.

    "hey." he whispered. he got no awnser. he didnt know what he expected though, an awnser? she was dead. "i miss you." he stood up, and started to walk away, but stopped. he had something more to say.

    "i really miss you. even though i killed you. i miss you. frankly, i never thought i would say that. we hated each other. i was so happy when you died, i never thought your presence was needed. i'm really really sorry. you never deserved to die." he finished. he had tears streaming down his face. then he heard slow claps, coming from behind him.

    "i'm sorry you killed me too." she said, staring deep into his eyes.

HUHHHHH THIS IS SO WEIRD. im so confused ok hem hem

this isnt a continuation of the last one just saying :)) its a new thing

hope you liked that, it was weird but its ok its fine we're all good 😫

take careeee <3 dont die <33
