part one❤️❤️

heres part one, part two will be up tmrw

This is the true story. The real story of Snow White. Or as we know her, Irene White. She was a very pretty girl, but mistakes were made and the past is the past. 
The girl in the forest was young. Pale white skin, silky black hair and blood red lips. The definition of beauty. She looked lost, tears streaming down her cheeks. There was a wound on her upper calf. We found her next to the willow tree, crying. We took her home. We treated her as our own, even though she was the enemy. She cooked and cleaned for us, and we gave her a place to stay. I even told my friend, Evelyn, about the girl. Wrong move. 
“Goodbye my friends!” Irene called from the front of our cottage. We were going for a mining trip. Then I was going to Evelyns. I needed to tell her about the girl. We all traveled to the mine. By magic. Us dwarfs are the only kind with magic. People steal our magic, so we live in colonies. We mine for Gold and Diamond, Amethyst and Emerald. Four hours and we were rich. Once we were done, I was to go to Evelyns. The men in my band liked Evelyn but decided against coming with me. They went back to Irene and I went, by myself, to Evelyn.
Evelyn lived in a castle. It was enchanting. Tall black columns and towers taller than the sky. It was a magical sight to behold. I walked up to the tall rusted iron door and knocked. They slowly creaked open. Evelyn was sitting in her usual spot in the throne room. I may have forgotten to mention that she was the Queen of  Bergensier, the city we lived in. 
“Ah yes, welcome. I thought you may be coming.” She coos from the spot on her throne. Everytime I walk into the throne room I fall into a state of shock. It was magical. The candles lining the walls illuminated the large room. It was decorated with deep purple and black.  I walked up to her perch. A bright purple light shone and I was suddenly greeted by a chair and food. Magic. The Darkest kind. Not that I cared. At least not then. I sat down in front of her and she smiled down at me. She doesn't like conversation. When I come, we get to business.
“I have to tell you about someone. A girl.” I tell her. Her smirk falls. 
“Go on then.” She mutters. I clear my throat and begin.
“We found her a couple months ago. She’s a beautiful girl. Dark hair, pale skin, tall. She was crying. She never told us where she's from.” I tell her. Suddenly, the chair I was sitting on erupts in flames. Purple ones. She's angry. An angry Evelyn can be dangerous. She’s invested herself in the dark forms of dwarf magic. She could kill you in seconds if she wanted to. 
“What is her name?” She shouts.
“Irene. Irene White.” I state. You have to keep calm when Evelyn’s mad. Her eyes glow a bright purple. I step back a little. 
“Very well then, you will be going now.” She mumbles, deep in thought. She snaps and I end up back in front of the castle. The doors slam shut and I’m left outside. 
When I arrive back at our cottage, my band is sitting outside and eating stew, prepared by Irene. I sit down at the table and grab a bowl.
“How was your meeting, mister?” Irene asks. I fake a smile at her. 
“Splendid, just splendid.” I tell her. She gives me a huge smile.
    “That's great mister! You know, today I cooked a pie, and it was delicious, but I think I added salt instead of sugar because the apples tasted a tad bit salty.” She tells me. The men in my band laugh, but I just give her a small smile. A man in my band, Benmuik Blessedsword, chimes in.
    “Well. I hope today's dessert doesn't have salt! I would hate to have a salty scone!” He shouts and the men roar in laughter. I excuse myself and walk back to the cottage, getting ready for the night.
    In the morning, I wake to the smell of hot porridge. I climb out of bed and trudge downstairs. I see Irene cooking, no other man is there.
    “Good Morning Irene.” I mutter, in a groggy voice.
    “Morning Mister!” She says in a cheery voice. I sit at the table and she serves me a bowl of porridge. I eat it quickly and stand up. 
    “I’ll wake the others.” I tell her, and trudge back upstairs. I clear my throat. “HI HO! A NEW DAY AWAITS! TIME TO AWAKE!” I declare, in a singsong voice. That is our morning call. The men sit up and synchronously groan. I leave the room before I can hear the shouts of protest. 
    Eventually the men in my band get ready and finish eating. We head to the mine and get to work. The mine is filled with clangs and laughter. But my mind is on yesterday, when I met with Evelyn. Why was she so mad? What did I say wrong? I felt that I did something wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. The day passed in a breeze. I was so consumed in my thoughts, I barely focused on the mine. 
    When we head home, something feels off. No bright lights. No cheery voice greeting us at the door. We step inside the cottage and gape at the sight before us. Irene, on the ground, presumably dead. We step around her and I find a note on the table.
Thank you for keeping her safe, She is now out of your hands.
Evelyn. Evelyn Villarreal. That's her full name. She killed Irene. 
