part 2😘😘

ahaha this is late. here yall go

    I rush up to her, and check her pulse. No pulse. She is surely dead. I scour the floor for something that could have killed her. The other men are just standing there, their eyes slowly welling with tears. I find an apple, and pick it up. I sniff it and pull it away from my face. The core of the apple was laced with poison. Walegon, to be precise. The deadliest poison you could find in the dwarf forest. I hold the apple up.
“I found this on the floor, it has Walegon in it, please be wary not to touch it.” I mutter. The men start sobbing, the sounds of crying and sniffles filling the room. I take a deep breath to stop myself from crying. I’m infuriated with Evelyn, but I can't go to her castle now. The barriers would be up, and she wouldn't take them down for me. I head upstairs and lay on my bed. Tears threaten to fall out of my eyes.
“Why’d you have to do that, Evelyn?” I question, to myself, as I drift off to sleep.
The next morning, I wake up to silence. I can almost hear Irene making breakfast. I tiptoe downstairs, making sure I don't wake the others. I don't know how to use the stove. I take a piece of toast and place it in the toaster. As I wait for it to cook, I look around. Last night, the men moved Irene's body upstairs, to her room. Some men still pretend she's sleeping, but I know that won't do any good. We’ve tried everything to get her back, but no remedy seems to be working. The toast pops out, and I put it on a plate. It’s burnt. Nothing seems to be going right these days. I get some jam, and spread it on the toast, taking a bite out of it. I finish my toast and grab my bag. I’m paying a visit to Evelyn. 
When I reached Evelyn's castle, I stand outside, and take a deep breath. I knew I was going to make Evelyn mad, I expected it. No one questions Evelyn's actions and leaves unscarred. I just hoped she would consider me being her only friend. I knock on the doors and they open, like usual. But this time, Evelyn isn't in the throne room. She was waiting for me, in the front hall. 
“Hello my friend.” She greets me. She definitely knew why I was here. 
“Hello Evelyn.” I mumble. 
“Oh why so gloomy?” She tested. She knew why I was gloomy, she was trying to provoke me. 
“I think you know why, Evelyn.” I growled. She raised her eyebrows.
“No, I do not, please tell me, why so angry?” She said. I looked her right in the eyes. They were a deep purple color, almost black, but I could see the light purple rising into her iris.
“You killed her. She was my friend. But you killed her. Why did you kill her?” I question.
    “She was mine to keep. But she escaped my clutches. She ran away. So, I had her pay. It was the clear option really.” She states in such an unbothered voice, I almost believe she did the right thing. 
“What do you mean by ‘mine to keep’? She was her own person.” I interject. She lets out a cold chuckle.
    “Remember King Oistin? Well, I was his second betrothed. He had another queen before me, she gave birth to Irene. She died whilst giving birth. Then he found me. I am her mother.” She says. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. “Speechless are we?” She asks. I clear my throat. 
    “Oh.” is all that comes out. I don't have anything to say. I have betrayed my clan. This was my fault. I turn around to leave. She stops me. 
    “Don't dwell on this, it was her fate.” She assured. I nodded, and walked out of the castle. When I step out, I take a few deep breaths. Telling my clan about this is going to be disastrous, I could already feel it. I used magic to get back to our cottage. The place was dead silent. I went inside, and there was no one there. I could hear small noises from upstairs, so I went up there. Everyone was sitting around Irene's bed, quietly crying. I quietly sit next to them. I clear my throat. They all look at me.
    “I have something to tell you.” I say. They’re all silent. I bite the inside of my cheek. I don't know how to say it, but I know I have to say it now. “I know who did this.” I say, gesturing to Irene’s lifeless body. They’re all still silent.  “It was Evelyn. I told her about Irene, thinking nothing about it, but It was Evelyn.” I state. The silence is deafening. I didn’t know why no one was responding. Then I hear one man speak up.
    “You betrayed us.” He says. “You shall be banished.”  I try to protest but my words are drowned out by shouts of agreement. They take my hands, and pull them behind my back. I know it's useless trying to get a word in. They walk down the stairs and open the front door. Walking into the woods, they find a place to keep me. I’m surrounded by a circle of my friends, all chanting spells to keep me away from them. I’ve been to a banishing before. It's never gruesome but it's always heartbreaking. Once they finish their spell, they look at me one last time, then turn around and walk back to the cottage, leaving me alone.
    I’m sorry if this is not what you expected, but this is the true tale of Snow White. There was never a Prince Charming, no saviour. Not every story has a happy ending. I never saw my colony after that day. I spent my time in the woods, living off of the plant that grew there. I once met a man, His name was Caspian Charming. I think, in another world, he would be the saviour of Snow White.
