ahaha writers block sucks

Hey y'all! im here again with sum more random stuff :)

ahahaha i havent posted in like 6 days sry lol i dont know what to post sometimes and likeeeee its k ok

im seriously considering deleting my old posts because they're sooo cringy. it hurts me to read them.

oh yeah, i also have a huge case of writers block soooo yeah, im writing this instead of finishing my story. I AM ALMOST DONE!!!!! I'll post it here, in 2 parts, so yeah be ready for that. i'm obsessed with it. i find my writing so coool. yup, im suppppper self obsessed. 

i have this playlist and its for writing. its perfect for when im writing idk why. its not even a theme of songs its like, there are calm and less calm songs. its weird. as im writing this, im listening to last kiss and omg its so goooooood im so excited for taylor to release speak now rerecorded!!!!!!!!

ALSO ALSO ALSO have u listened to olivia's new song. good 4 u? im obsessed with it. its so good oml here's the link: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=CvzbgjVKY3M&feature=share

ok this was a really random post just saying lol

have a great life, eat food, its amazing <33
