Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I've just realized... its almost been ONE YEAR?!?!?! My first post was... lets see... JULY 13th! And we are at APRIL 2021!!!!! So that means we have like 3 months till 1 year?!?! thats insane...😶. What should I do for a one year anniversary? IDK ill fingure something out... eventually... hopefully! Im gonna stop talking about that now, im so excited ehehe. 

I've been reading a lot lately and I've found the perfect setup for when you want to read for a long time! Of course, you dont have to do any of these things, Its just some tips for long reading/study sessions!

1. Play some music! It always helps me relax. Here is some music you should listen to while reading:

2. Sit in a comfortable spot! I like to lay on my bed, but if you are studying I dont know if thats possible. Just be comfy, you're gonna be there for a longggg time...

3. Keep something to eat/drink next to you! I know I always get hungry, and food keeps your energy levels up! Also, when I get bored I just eat, so I eat while I read, and it keeps me entertained!

4. Be Alone. If there is someone next to me, I feel like I have to talk to them, which doesnt help! If you are alone, you dont have anyone to distract you.

5. Stay in one location. When you are reading/studying, dont move around. Find a spot that is comfortable for you and stick with that spot. Change of scenery can divert your attention from the thing you are doing to things around you.

6. Have one spot. This is related to the last one. Every time you sit down to read/study, stay in the same spot. If one place helps you relax and focus, stay there!

Wth... I sound like those mom bloggers...😐. Oh well. These things work for me, so I just wanted to share them with y'all just in case you guys needed some tips! These things also work during online school, so its not only for reading! Thats all for today, this was long! I'm gonna try to post more so my blog doesnt die. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤
