Top 10 WORST things that happened in 2020, and the best!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I dont have shadows today (Because I couldn't write :( ) so I came up with something else! Since the year has JUST started, I wanted to rank things that Happened last year! We'll start with the BEST then get to the WORST:

Top Ten Best thing that happened in 2020:
1. Kamala Harris Was Elected as VP
2. COVID Vaccines
3. The Pollution Amount descreased a lot!
4. People LEARNED things
5. WEARING SWEATPANTS became fashionable lol
6. A lot of albums were released this year (SAVING MY LIFE)
7. MEAT CONSUMPTION was lessend by 3%! (Which isn't amazing but its still good)
8. BLM (Black Lives Matter)
9. People stayed Hopeful!
10. More people voted this year than in the last 120 years!

So, Thats all the good things! Now... onto the bad things! Some might be more obvious than others...

Top Ten Worst thing that happened in 2020:
1. COVID-19
2. Australian Wild Fires
3. Kobe Bryant Passed Away :(
4. Lots of People Died
5. Riots
7. -
So, I couldn't find 10 for bad things. I feel like a lot of these should take up more than ONE spot because the were so BAD! Anyway, thats all that I have for today! Hopefully i will have Shadows tomorrow! REMEMBER: Post Questions on my website on the Questions tab! If you would order this in a diffrent way, what would it be? Okay, thats all for now! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤
