Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Sorry about last week,my weeks have been SO busy! I'm trying to stay up to date on my posting but its soo hard because my weeks have been  very very busy! I haven't written Shadows (UGH I WISH I HAD TIMEEE) so I'm bringing something else. I've noticed that my "Books to read" posts have been pretty popular, so here's a couple MORE books that I think y'all will love!!! 

1. Winterhouse. Its a Mystery, and I JUST finished reading it. Its amazing!

2. The Prettiest. Its a book on Feminism but I loved it, more for girls though.

3. Greetings from Witness Protection. I WAS HOOKED THE SECOND I PICKED IT UP.

4. The One and Only Ivan. You might have read it, its really popular.

5. The One and Only Bob. Sequel to The One and Only Ivan and just as good.

6. The Vanderbeekers Series. Verrry Funny and Interesting!

7. The Unteachables. Sooo funny! I love it!

8. The Sunny Series. They are Comic books but I love them. I thikn they might be for a little older people though... more 5th grade and above!

9. ALL Roadh Dhal Books! Matilda is my personal FAVORITE!

10. Charlottes Web. I've probably said this before, BUT ITS MY FAVORITE BOOK!

That's all for today! Hopefully next week I'll be able to post Shadows! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤
