My writing, QUESTIONS!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! So, We have NO NEW characters (except the mom and I mean...) so, we're doing SOMETHING ELSE! Also, I had an IDEA. So, I've been using blogger for my story. I was thinking I could post my story ON my shadows site, so that we could talk about other things here. I don't know! Its just an idea! Ok, now back to what I'm doing TODAY! Today I'm gonna talk about my WRITING process. AND NO I'm not gonna be BORING about it! I'm just gonna tell you how I write! I'm gonna do this like a Q&A so Im not just ranting on about things! OK LETS GET STARTED:

1. What is your writing process?
       This may seen weird, but I DONT PLAN OUT what I'm writing. I mean, when I start the book at first I have to plan it out, but after that, I just keep writing! AFTER I'm done writing for the day, I edit it and change things that I dont like. I know people that like to plan out their writing but, thats not me!

2. What do you do when you have writers block?
    Well, I take a BREAK. Read a book, Take a walk, eat some food. DO ANYTHING but write. That way I can get some more Ideas. Another thing I do is talk to people and ask for Ideas! You never know, someone else will think of something you haven't thought of!

3. When you write an emotional scene, how do get in the mood?
    Well, I like to think about what I feel like when I feel like that. Like, When a character is crying, I ask myself, "What would I feel like if I was crying?" and write that down!

4. What genre do you like writing the best?
    Okay look, First of all, I've only TRIED writing 2 genres. Fantasy and Realistic Fiction. I like realistic fiction. Its EASIER for me to write! In Fanstasy, I have so many things I CAN do, that I cant make up my mind!

5. What will the end of Shadows look like?
    Well, I cant tell you, but I know what's happening! :P

That's all for today! Be back next week for Chapter 6! Also, If you have any more Questions for me, You should post it on my website in the Questions tab! I'm thinking of doing a Q&A so please post questions! I wouldn't want a Q&A without questions...! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤
