Last part of CHAPTER 5!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! PHEW! That break was much needed! But now... I'm back with the story!!! AND ITS THE END OF CHAPTER 5!! So.... HERES THE END OF CHAPTER 5!! Also, I've decided to go back to what I did in July! I'll be writing about other things, not JUST Shadows, So, I get time to write (Since I have school) and Y'all get a break from Shadows! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

    I giggle. No way is Jenna Olden gonna be on my side. I erase the idea, still laughing. I’m suddenly rolling on the floor with laughter, tears flowing out of my eyes. Then I realize, my tears aren’t happy. I’ve been storing this inside of me for the past few weeks is coming out, and I know it. That’s when I decide to submit. Not hold back the tears anymore, letting myself be sad. I hunch over, sobbing. My belly is aching and I can’t breath. I cough, and cry harder. The tears flow onto my carpet. I keep crying. I know it won’t help, but it feels good.  I get up and lay on my bed, wiping away tears when I hear my mom knock on the door.
    “Everything okay in there, Honey?” She asks.
    “Yeah mom, I’m fine.” I say, holding back another sob. I hear her footsteps walk away, and the sob escapes. Forget about homework. I need a friend. I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand and open up my laptop. I take a deep breath and call Kat. It rings for a few minutes, then someone picks up. The camera is off.
    “Kat?” I say. I hear some giggling. “Hello?” I say.
    “Hi, Twerp.” Says the voice of Jenna Olden.
