Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Today we have..... CHAPTER 6!! YAS WE'RE AT CHAPTER 6! ONLY ABOUT 300000000 MORE TO GO! LOL no i cant write that much. This weeks post is a little longer... so next week we have something else! Hope you like it! Make sure to post questions on the questions tab of my website! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

I let out a little gasp. I close my eyes.
“Can I please talk to Kat?” I say in the calmest voice I can muster. She laughs.
“Kats in the bathroom, talk to me honey.” She says. The camera is off but I can tell she’s smirking. I take a deep breath and consider my options. My first option is to tell her. Tell her that I want my friend back. I immediately cross that option off my mental list. My second option is to wait for Kat. That means having Jenna insult me for as long as it takes for Kat to come out of the bathroom. I don’t think I could handle that. I cross that option off my list, too. That means I only have one other option. Hanging up. I want to do that, but I know that I shouldn’t. 
“When is Kat coming back?” I ask Jenna. I hope she's back soon.
“Oh, She’ll be back. Why are you so anxious to see her?” She asks. “She wasn’t talking to me in school, I want to ask why.” I tell her. This isn’t the smartest thing I can do, but it's the only thing I think of.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry!” She says in her most sarcastic voice. I take a deep breath. 
“When is Kat coming back?” I ask her. I’m tired of talking to Jenna already.
“Well, she won’t be coming anytime soon. Sorry, Hun.” She says. My eyes get big. 
“What do you mean?!” I ask her, panic spreading through my veins. 
“Well, I’m at her house for a sleepover. Kat’s out, she’s getting Pizza. I thought I would pick up.” She says. I’m screaming inside but I know that if I start crying in front of Jenna, I won’t hear the end of it.
“I guess I’d better go then.” I say. I hit the hang up button, without hearing her response.
