Chapter 5. CONT!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! So, I saw a comment asking me to post LONGER chapters. I would love to do that but I haven't been able to write much, so I have to post short chapters. Hope you guys understand! Also, I think some people might be BORED of Shdows, so to get me more time to write, and to give y'all some different content, I will be doing a diffrent type of thing next week, something like what i did when I first started this blog! Also, I JUST realized that THIS is my 50th post, not the last time so hehehe... WHOO HOO! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 

    Up in my room, I shut the door. Then I get out my computer and open up My homework for today. “Explain what Hitler did to the world, and how it has changed the way we live. Minimum of 1 page” Is my history homework. I open up a fresh page and start typing. I’ve realized that if you just start writing, you’ll come up with an idea. Same thing with drawing. So I write, and write. In 30 minutes I’ve written 3 pages worth of content. I edit it and turn the assignment in. With that out of the way, I can think on my own for some time, and then continue on doing homework. I open up the notebook I was using yesterday and flip my list open. Reading through the idea’s, I realize that most of them are unrealistic. I rip out the 2 pages worth of ideas, and open up another page. I lay on my bed, trying to think of more ideas. My mind is blank. I get out my computer again, and start the rest of my homework. I’m almost done with my English homework when the ideas hit me. I open up my notebook and find the page i was working on. Then I write down three things. The first is Get all A’s. The second is Beat Kat at the science fair. And the third is to Get Jenna Olden on my side.
