50th post!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! AND IT'S THE 50th POST!!! Sorry for posting late! I was bus Friday! Wow, it's been a pretty long time. I mean, I think 50 is a pretty good number to be at. So, for the 50th post, I was kinda confused on what to do. I mean, is there anything really fun that I could do? Well, I FINALLY figured out what I wanted to do. I wanted to create a website!! I know, I know. This is already a website! But I wanted to create a website for SHADOWS. If you've been here, you know that I used to post about other things. But now, It's just shadows. So yeah. You wont find chapters there. The chapters are HERE. You guys can just find thing there that you wont find on my blog. Like announcments and stuff that you have to remember. I don't think that it's SUPER convinient to have to scroll through all my posts to find announcments, but I have something for that! I also created a comments section to react to my posts and things you would like to tell me. So yeah! You can explore on your own. Here is the link. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

