Last part of Chapter 4!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! This chapter is a little short because it's the end. I wont have a portfolio next time because well, i didn't introduce that many charecters!! Also, 50th post is coming soon! I have a very exciting surprise for y'all! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

Then I run up to my room and shut the door. Sitting on my bed, I rip open my yogurt and my mind starts thinking again. Could I really beat Kat at this? I think I could. What am I good at that Kat isn’t? Well, I’m good at art. That isn’t really gonna get me an award, but I could also get good grades. I rummage around my desk until I find a notebook. I flip to the next blank page and write: “Ebony Award Ideas”. Then I make a list. The first thing I write is: Beat Kat at a contest. Then my mind starts working. In 30 minutes, I have a two page long list of things I could do to beat Kat at her own game. I guess I’m going to go do this. 
“Tara! Come down for dinner!” My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. I throw the notebook back on my desk and run out. Shutting the door behind me.
