Chapter four, CONT!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! This post is a little bit late... but whateve. So, I havent had a lot of time to get some writing into my time, which sucks. I dont know if I'll still be able to post every single week or maybe the posts might be shorter. I don't know but I'll update you guys on that next week. And, now, without further delay, I BRING YOU SHADOWS! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

    “Good Morning, class.” She says in her semi-british accent. “Please pull out your history textbooks and flip to page 15.”  She says. Then she picks someone to read the first paragraph. History class can stretch on for an eternity, so I’ll spare you the details. 50 minutes later, class ends and it’s time for lunch. I walk to the cafeteria hoping that Kat has gotten her sense back. I see Jenna and Kat walking together. I guess not. I walk to the lunch line. My mom never has time to pack lunch for me. I always buy. Today, the special is Mac & Cheese and steamed broccoli. Honestly, I don't know why people hate school lunch at all. All these books say that the school lunch is bad but it’s not. I get my food and search for a table. I look at the table Kat and I used to sit at. Of course, Jenna is sitting In my spot, in front of Kat. I spot a table at the back of the cafetaria and go there. I sit down and pull out my laptop. I go to my blog and type the title as “Ebony Award.”. Underneath I type “Hey Artists! I’m back and I found out what the award is! So it is called the Ebony award and it's super cool! You have to exceed everything to get the award! Wish me luck! Fare Thee Well My Fellow Artists, Fare Thee Well I say! Until next time, Bye!” Then I press the post button and shut my laptop.
