Chapter 4 cont.!!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! So, Quick announcment before we get into the story. I'm going to take a two week break after chapter 5 to catch up on some writing. Also, I have decided on what to do for post 50! You guys will se what it is in... 3 weeks! Okay, onto the story! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

Chapter 4 cont.
     I dig into my food, stuffing all that I can into my mouth until the lunch period ends. The next few days go on like this.  I am alone most of the time. Then, On a Thursday afternoon, something happens that I don't expect.
“Hey, did you hear, Kat Learnon is going for the Ebony award!” Molly Chonta whispers into my ear, on the bus back home.  I let out a small gasp. Kat has never wanted attention, even though she has always gotten it. 
“Who did you hear that from?” I ask her. 
“My friend's friend’s sister's brother overheard Jenna talking about it.” She says. I roll my eyes. What she said could have been anything. Middle school rumors go all over the place.
“Great to hear” I mumble, then continue to look out of the window. My mind is filled with thoughts. Is Kat really going to go for the Ebony award? Should I go against her? Could I win the Ebony award? If I helped her, would she like me again? What about Jenna? Wouldn’t Jenna go for an opportunity like this to become more popular? What if Jenna and Kat become enemies? Would I get Kat back as a friend? I shake my head to clear it. I don’t think Kat is going to do this. It’s not like her. When I reach home, I call out.
“MOM! I’m home.” I say as I slam the door shut.
“Hi honey, how was school?” My mom calls from her office. My mom is a Lawyer. She is tall, 5’10 to be exact. 5’11 if she has her heels on. She has black hair with light brown highlights. She looks like me, except her hair's SO much longer. It is usually pulled up in a tight bun, squat on the top of her head. “There's some yogurt in the fridge, you can have it.” She says. Then I hear her shut the door. I go to the kitchen and get out some yogurt. 
