Begining of Chapter 5!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I have the first part of Chapter 5 for you! I'm so excited about next week! YAY 50th POST!!! Okay. lets get on with the story. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

Chapter 5
    The next day at school I walk to my locker. Kat is standing there, with Jenna and her friends. 
“Hey Lady.” She says. I flinch, momentarily forgetting that Kat is my worst enemy on the face of planet earth. 
“Hey.” I mumble. I open my locker, shove my books in, and walk away to my next class. The day goes by in a swirl of classes, studying and loneliness. Occasionally I see Kat and Jenna walking in the halls but I try my best to ignore them. I’m so focused on winning, I don’t realize how hard Kat is working too. When the bell finally rings, I get my books and run to the bus. As the bus starts moving, I realize how exhausted I really am. I slouch back into my seat and let my mind wander. The bus screeches to a halt, and everyone shuffles off. I walk to my house. I lie on my bed, thinking about my day. I eyes close, and I find myself falling asleep. 
I wake up to the sound of my mom calling my name. I jump up with a start. 
    “What just happened?” I think. I check my clock on my dresser. Nine pm. I rub my eyes and walk downstairs. I find my mom on the couch reading a magazine. 
    “Hi sweetie. You slept for 5 hours. Are you hungry?” She asks. I nod. We walk to the kitchen. “How was your day, honey?” She asks, as she plates the Spaghetti and sets it in front of me. We are Vegetarians, so we don’t eat any meat. I take a big bite.
    “Good.” I say, as I chew on my food. 
    “Eat Quickly, you have school tomorrow!” She says, standing up.
    “Mom, I won't be able to sleep! I’ll be awake all night. I also have some homework too!” I say, Pushing the plate away. She smiles at me.
    “Okay honey, but don’t stay up too late.” She says, and I walk out of the room. I get my bag from the front door and head upstairs.

