Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I have more of CHAPTER 3 OF SHADOWS FOR YOU!! This week has been so chaotic! On fridays, expect to get my update around 5 'o clock. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


Chapter 3 Cont.   

 “I think we have a plan. Now, How are we even gonna do this?” Asks Kim.
    “Well first, let’s start off by making a ball out of the playdough. It is our base so we should do that first.” Says Brianna. I hand her the playdough and she starts rolling it. A couple minutes later, the playdough is made into a perfect ball. I see Prissilla take out her scissors. 
    “What are those for?” I ask her. 
    “I can cut the playdough with these.” She says. Then she takes the ball from Brianna and cuts a fourth of the playdough out of the ball. She pats down the inside of the ball. Jimmy snatches the ball from her hand and starts patting the insides, too.
    “Oh, my god, Jimmy! You literally need to stop being a brat! We know what we’re doing!” Snaps Kim. Jimmy throws the ball back onto the table and it lands with a splat. Our “cell” is ruined. Prissila and Kim start yelling at Jimmy. I go over to Brianna and tap her on the shoulder.
“You wanna recreate our cell while they argue?” I ask her. She nods yes and we pick the clump of playdough. Omar comes over to our side of the table and we start the cell all over again. Brianna makes the ball and I cut a piece out of it. I tell Omar to go break up that little argument they are having over there. He rolls his eyes and goes over. This is what I hear.
“Ladies, Ladies, Break it up. You’re all ugly.” -Omar.
“I’m not a lady, but like, they are very ugly.” -Jimmy.
“Speak for yourself!” -Kim.
“He ruined our project! I will never ever forgive him.” -Prissila.
“Don’t forgive him. But do forget it. Please. We are supposed to be working on our project, not fighting!” -Omar.
“Fine. But I want Jimmy to say sorry.”- Kim.
“Yeah.”- Prissila.
“I’m sorry Ugly ladies.”- Jimmy.
“JIMMY!!” -Prissila and Kim. 
“Okay okay, I’m sorry.”- Jimmy.
“Ugh, fine! Now, lets get on with it!” -Kim. They start walking towards us and we look at them.
