Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Today's update is a little late.. oops! School has gotten FULL FROCE so, i haven't been able to work on anything else lately! This is the end to chapter 3 so next week will be charecter portfolio! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! --❤KK❤

Chapter 3 Cont.

“What took you so long?” I ask in an exasperated voice. Omar rolls his eyes. Kim and Prissila look away. Jimmy just shrugs. 
“So, I see that you guys have made the cell base!” Says Kim. I nod. She takes the base and spins it in her hand.
     “Do any of you have a hair dryer?’’ She asks. We shake our heads, no. I mean, who even carries a hair dryer to school? She rolls her eyes and pulls out a HAIRDRYER from her backpack! 
     "Why the heck do you have a hair dryer in your backpack??’’ asks Omar. 
    “For emergencies, dummy! You don’t expect me to live with sweaty wet hair all day, after gym?’’ She smirks then gives an exasperated sigh. She plugs in the hair dryer and starts drying the playdough with it. I am surprised I hadn’t thought of this. This was really smart! As the playdough dries, we talk about how we are going to do this. 
          “We should write down all the parts of the cell so that we can make the cell based on that.” I suggest. 
“Great idea, Tara!!” Says Brianna. Then she takes out her binder and pulls out a piece of paper. “Okay so, what are the parts of the cell?” She asks.
“There is the Cytoplasm, Vacuole, Nucleus and, umm, the Ribosomes.” Says Omar.
“Don't forget the  microtubules, Golgi complex, Plasma membrane and the Vesicles!” Says Jimmy.
“Wait, there are more. What about the Lysosome Peroxisomes? That's a thing right?” Asked Kim. Everyone nodded. She sighed with relief. 
    “There is one more, it’s the Endoplasmic Reticulum. I think that’s all.” I say. They all nod.
    “BRRRING!” Goes the bell. I stand up and grab my backpack. I look around for Kat. She is at the front of the room. She has her arm linked with Jenna Olden. I walk up to her.
    “Hey Kat. Let's go. It’s time for history.” I tell her. She turns to Jenna and giggles. Then she turns around and gives me a dirty look.
    “You can call me Katrina.” She says. Then she walks past me, her hair hitting my back.
