Shadows, CONT.!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Sooory for posting an hour late.. I was busy this morning! So.. here is more of chapter 2 for you! Today, I am posting more than I was supposed to but on friday, I won't be able to post. I am ind of behind on my writing so I need to add more! Thanks for understanding! Now, ONTO THE STORY! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


Chapter Two Cont.
“Good Morning! Hope your morning was fine. Mine definitely was! You are probably wondering why I have called you here this morning. Well, I’ve got a video to show you. This video was made by the one and only, STARLIGHT EBONY!!” She says. Starlight Ebony is the great great great great grandchild of the founder of this school. The founder is Marison Ebony, but she died like three centuries ago. Principal Richardson walks to her computer and goes to the next slide. I see a big picture of Ms. Starlight Ebony. It buffers and I realize it’s a video. Principal Richardson clicks play and the video starts.
“Hello and good morning students of Ebony Middle School!” Says Starlight Ebony. “My name is Starlight Ebony. I have a special announcement for you. This year we are Having a special event or award. This award will be given to the person who meets the limits of greatness from Ebony middle school. This person will be awarded a plaque that will rest in the award box. You will be awarded the award by… ME!!. Principal Richardson will give you the rest of the details.Thanks for your time. That's all  I have to say!” She finishes and the video turns off. Principal Richardson comes back onto the stage and turns off the projector. The whole auditorium breaks out in small murmurs. I turn to Kat but find her talking to Terry. Ugh. On my other side is Jenna. I see her talking to Brianna. I look around the auditorium. I see kids yelling to each other from different sides of the auditorium. I see a kid named Jackson Fredison run across the front of the seats/bleachers and go to the other side of the auditorium to talk to his friends.
