Part Of Chapter One: Shadows

Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! I have the begining of Chapter one for you so..... Hope you like it! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, BYE!!


Chapter One

     My name is Tara Prezino. Black hair, Blue eyes and beige skin. I’m an average kid. I’m 4’6 and I hate pickles. Got that? Now don’t ask about me anymore. 
     “Here comes dork and dorker.” I hear Jenna Olden snicker to her friends. Jenna is the typical popular kid. Blonde hair, peach skin and shorts that are WAY too short. She violates the dress code in at least 50 different ways. From her crop top that comes up way too high up her chest, to her shoes, that are practically Flip-Flops.
     “I hope you’re talking about yourself.” Kat snaps back. I hold her wrist. Kat Learnon. My best friend. She is like the prettiest person you have ever seen. She has long, silky auburn hair. Her skin is ivory and she has dark freckles in the perfect spots. She also has perfect fashion sense. Today she is wearing a black short sleeve shirt and bright red jeans. Her hair is up in a messy bun. She has on hoop earrings that resemble gold. Her parents are also millionaires. I am probably her only friend that knows that (which is great) and she doesn’t want anyone else to know. We have kept this secret between us for 5 years now and I’m not about to tell it.
      “Calm Kat…Calm.” I whisper to her. Kat is one of those people that you don't want to make mad unless you want a bloody nose. She had anger management issues in 2nd grade. I still remember the dark and baggy eyes that she used to bring with her to school every single day. Now we’re in 6th grade. Middle school started a week ago and it is already the worst.  
     Kat and I walk into Ebony Middle School. The school is huge. The hallways are packed with kids. We walk up the stairs and into Mr. Kroaks homeroom. Kat and I have most of our classes together. The only classes we don’t have together is P.E. and Chemistry. I have P.E. when she has Chemistry and Vice Versa. I really wish that we had those classes together because they are the worst. 
     “Hello Kat! Hello Tara!” Shouts Mr. Kroaks from the other side of the room. Mr. Kroaks stands up from his desk and goes to the whiteboard. He writes in big letters “ASSEMBLY AT 11:30 TODAY!” Then he goes back to what he was doing. Kat and I take our seats at the back of the room. I see Josh Kinder, the class clown (If that's what an annoying brat is called) walk up to Mr. Kroaks and say something. Mr. Kroaks cracks up and then shoos him away. I can tell that he is about to start. He clears his throat and starts the day.
