More of SHADOWS!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Today I have more of my story. After every chapter ends, I'll do something else, that's not shadows for one post, then go back to writing shadows. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!!


Chapter One Cont.

 My next class is english with Mrs.Liu. She is an Old lady. I think my parents had her for english! She has the generic old lady grey hair and bun. She is 4’2 and wears heels all the time to look 4’5. She wears wool sweaters in 90 degrees and always has an old dress on. Kat and I walk to her class on the 2nd floor. Jenna isn’t in this class(Thank the gods) so we aren’t on a lookout for her. Kat and I walk to her class in a hurry. We have lockers across from each other and close to homeroom but english is on the other side of the school.
     “Hello Class! Hope you know about the Assembly today!” She Shouts. Oh right. I forgot to mention one tiny little detail about     Mrs. Liu. She says that she’s only 40 so she hasn’t gotten a hearing aid. Thats why, whenever she speaks, it’s more like yelling
     “After this class, you are expected to go straight to the football field for our Gathering.” She continues (Still shouting). Then she walks up to the chalkboard in the front and starts to write something. We can’t see it because she is covering it up. When she finally moves away from the board, we see what she wrote. This is what she wrote:
“Fear stops the world from working
So to stop it, is the impossible task
But is there really a thing called fear?
Maybe it is all our imagination?
A day without fear is rare to find
So why not image one
Do you imagine the divine?”

I see Kat furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Then Mrs. Liu walks up to her desk and pulls out a stack of notebooks. She passes out the notebooks and goes back to the chalkboard.
     “This poem is written by Domina Horani, the famous Poet from the 1900’s. Does anyone know what this poem means?” She asks. Terry Pegman’s hand shoots up in the air. Terry Pegman is the Nerd. The girl has a twin (Joshua Pegman) and he is the CUTEST guy in the world. Terry has curly red hair with a bob cut. She has Gold colored round glasses and a mind full of knowledge.
     “Yes, Ms. Pegman?” 
     “Well, Ms. Horani means that Fear is the dominant factor of all. Nothing stands in the way of fear. It’s like fear is a bully. No one has the guts to stand up to it. Ms. Horani is asking if fear is real at all. Maybe fear is just our imagination? She also asks what a day without fear would be like.” Says Terry.
     “Exactly Ms. Pegman! She is asking what a day without fear would be like.” Exclaims Mrs. Liu. Then she points to the notebooks on our desks and continues.
