More of Shadows!

Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! I have some more of chapter one of shadows! Before you read the new part, I have an announcment. I have a new BLOG!! Find My New Blog Here! Also, you should follow my blogs! Thats all! Hope you like it! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, BYE!!


Chapter One Cont. 

 “Good morning class!” He says in a loud booming voice. Mr. James Kroaks is a middle aged man with Brown hair. He is around 6 ft. tall and TOWERS over all of our class. Some people call him Mr. Toad (Which doesn’t even make sense since his name is Not even close to that). 
     “As you know, we have a Assembly today.” He continues on. “And I expect you all to be on your BEST behavior.”  Then he walks back to his desk and picks up a binder full of papers. He opens the binder and a few papers come fluttering out. Jenna rushes to pick them up. That's right, Jenna. All mean girls are kiss ups to the teacher. 
     “Here, Mr. Kroaks.” Says Jenna in her sweetest voice. She bats her eyelashes and skips back to her seat. So. Annoying. 
    Mr Kroaks stuffs the papers back into his binder and starts talking again.
     “This year we are having a very special event. I can’t tell you about it but you’ll find out at the Assembly. It is mandatory! Don’t even think about skipping. That is all and now you may continue with your work.” He finishes
     “I definitely thought about skipping.” Jenna whispers to Brianna Senoli. Brianna (or Bri as Jenna calls her) is part of Jenna’s Entourage. Honestly, I don’t think she wants to be friends with Jenna but, who am I to decide? I open my backpack and pull out my computer. My parents said that I’m not allowed to get a phone until I get an A in Geometry. I took that as “You’re never getting a phone.”. I go to my blog “Prezino Post'' and type “Secret Award” as the title. Then underneath I type “Hey Artists! I’m back and I have something to tell you. My teacher just told us that we are having a very secret assembly today! I hope it’s fun! Honestly, I don’t really care though. I’ll update once I know what it is! Fare Thee Well My Fellow Artists, Fare Thee Well I say! Until next time, Bye!” I finished typing. Then I sketch a quick picture of a question mark in my notebook. I take a picture of it and put it on my blog. Then I click post. I close my computer and put it back into my backpack. Then I take out my sketchbook and start to draw. 
     I love drawing. When I first started my blog, It was called “Tracing with Tara” and I only posted drawings. I first got into drawing when I was 6. My mom got me a 60 pack colored pencils and a sketchbook. The rest is history.
      I draw a half sun on the left side. The rays extend to the edge on the page. Then I draw a half moon on the right. I draw small craters and big craters. Then I took out my colored pencils. Just as I started to color the rays, the bell rang.
