Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I have the last part of CHAPTER TWO for y'all. On wendsday, I think the next part of desert Island will come out. If not... Then I'll do some more CHARECTER PORTFOLIO!! This time, I wont be drawing the charecters, I'll be finding pics of 'em online. Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


                                Chapter Two Cont.
    “So, as you can see, this is very very exciting! I hope all of you can participate in this event! So… you may all be wondering what you all will have to do to win this award?  Well, you will have to excel at anything and everything! There will be MANY opportunities for all of you to do great!” She says, then takes a deep breath. She is the type of person that rolls their r’s when they are excited. 
    “There will only be ONE person out of nine thousand six hundred and eighty three that can win this award, so take ANY chance you get to SHINE LIKE A STAR! Okay! THat’s the end of this assembly. You guys can head out and back to your classes. I’ll send your teachers some pamphlets to send home with y’all!” She finishes then walks off the stage. I see Mr.Ara stand up and raise his hands signaling us to stand up. Mr. Kristian Ara is a guy in his twenties. It’s his first year here. He is my science teacher. He has light pink hair fuzz. I think he shaved his head but I’m not really sure. He has on sweatpants and a denim jacket with a “Supreme” shirt underneath. He’s pretty casual. We walk through the auditorium and into the hallways. There are lines of kids all through the hallways. I am squished. Luckily Mr.Ara is tall and his hair is an unexpectedly stand-outish color so I can tell where he is. He navigates us through the crowded and stuffy hallways into his classroom. Is on the second floor so we have to take the stairs. Room 3D. Mr.Ara’s room. The windows in his room are open. I see that he has written something on the whiteboard. All the desks are set up in squares for the endless group projects that we have. Seriously. It’s been a week and we’ve already done 3 group projects. My table is in the back. I walk there and see that the other kids in my group are already there. 
