Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! I hope y'all liked my charecter portfolio! Today, I have the begining of CHAPTER TWO! Hope you like it! Stay living! 'Till next time, Bye!!


Chapter Two

I slap my notebook shut. I see that Kat is already done. She is looking up and her face is slowly turning pale.

        “Hey, you okay?” I whisper to her. She jerks her head up and smiles at me.

“I think I need my inhaler. Can you ask Ms. Liu if we can go to the nurse?” She says. For all you people that don’t know what Asthma is, It’s when someone has trouble breathing sometimes. I raise my hand and Mrs. Liu see’s me. She comes over.

“What is it?” She asks. She acts as if she wasn’t jumping up and down about an assignment three seconds ago. 

“I think Kat is having a hard time breathing. Can we please go to the nurse?” I ask. Mrs. Liu nods and I stand up. Kat stands up with me and we walk out of the room. When we go out, the hallways are quiet. Everyone is in class. I see a few kids with bathroom passes and Hallway passes walking around. Kat and I walk to the front of the school where the nurses office is. I knock on the door.

     “Come in!” Sings the Nurse, Ms. Riley. I walk in and Nurse Riley immediately opens a cabinet. She knows about Kat’s Asthma. She goes to the medicine cabinet and pulls out a box. Inside of the box there is an inhaler. Kat sits down on the bed and I get her a glass of water. Kat puts the inhaler in the spacer (or tube. It prevents the medicine from spraying everywhere.) and presses down on the inhaler. She breathes deeply twice. I see Kats face gain color again. Kat stands up, staggers, then sits back down. I sit next to her. Nurse Riley goes back to her desk and starts to work on her files.
