Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! Today I have the begining of chpater three! Idk when the next part of desert island is coming out. Hopefully next week! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


Chapter 3

There are 5 other kids in my group. Jimmy Terance, Brianna Senoli, Omar Gonzala, Prissila Montaz and Kim Onala. Kat isn’t in my group. Unluckily, She is in a group with Jenna. Mr. Ara raps the board with his knuckles. 
    “Hi class. Welcome back from the assembly! Today, we are going to learn about cell structure. So  your group project for today is to create a cell with your group. I will show you a short video about cells, now then, let's do this!” He says in his some-what deep voice. He walks to his desk and gets his computer. He plugs in it into the projector thingy and I see the screen light up. The video starts and everyone’s heads turn toward the screen.  I turn my head towards the screen. The video is LONG AND BORING. I glance around and catch Mr. Ara pull out a couple boxes of supplies. He places them on his desk and they land with a thud. He turns his head around to look at the classroom. I jerk my head back towards the screen and bob my head up and down like I totally understand whatever the lady on the screen is saying. Mr. Ara turns back towards his desk and I look at him again. He sits at his desk and pulls out his phone. I see that his case has a minion on it. He swipes up on his phone and scrunches up his face. I realize that I’m going to have to actually know stuff to do this project and turn back towards the screen. Ten long and boring minutes later, the video ends. Mr. Ara goes to the projector and turns it off. He comes to the front of the room and claps his hands. 
