Chapter 3 of SHADOWS continued!!

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! I have more of SHADOWS for y'all. But first, one thing! So, as you know, school starts soon (or maybe it already started for you). So, in a week, my school starts! Unfortunatley, I might not be able to keep up on my writing because of all the school work. I will probably be posting once or twice a week instead of 3 times! I'll let y'all know when the time comes! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!! 


Chapter 3 Cont.  

  “So, I hope you listened because well, now it’s time for the project! You have today and tomorrow to finish! There are five groups and five supply boxes. After you are done planning, come up and get your supplies! So kids, GET TO WORK!” He says, ending in a high pitched scream sort of voice. A sudden burst of chatter erupts from the room. Everyone is talking at once. I turn towards my group.
    “So, How are we gonna do this?” Asks Prissila. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a notebook. She opens it to an empty page. “I can take all the ideas, then we can draw our final idea.” She instructs. The rest of us nod our heads. 
    “We should probably see what materials we have first. We don’t want to plan everything and then realize that we don’t have what we need.” Says Brianna. 
    “I’ll go get the supplies.” I say. Then I stand up and go to the front of the room to get the supplies. When I come back, Jimmy is talking about his idea. 
    “We can make it so that, like, we can, like, show the inside of the cell and not just, like, the outside of the cell!” He says in an enthusiastic voice. “We can make it like a circle but then have, like, a piece cut out of the circle so that it is, like, three fourths of a circle!” He exclaims. We all nod like we understand, but in reality, none of us know what he is saying. Omar starts taking out all of the supplies. We have: aluminum foil, construction paper, paper plates, tape, paper clips, paper cups and a bunch of different colored play dough. I immediately pick up the playdough and start playing with it. 
    “Hey Tara, do you have an idea?” Asks Brianna.  
    “Yeah, kinda.” I say. “I think I get what Jimmy is saying. We could make a ball out of the playdough to make the base of the cell. Then we can cut a piece out of it so that we can show the inside. All the other materials can be used to  make the inside of the cell.” I say. Everyone nods. 
