Things to do during Quarentine and Awnser to Yesterday's Riddle!

Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! Today, I'll tell you guys the awnser to yesterday's mystery!  So... Here it is!
          All of the people living in the house had told the same story. I (Raymond) found it weird that Mary had went and filled up the pitcher herself while Laura had asked the butler to get the pitcher. This is what had happend: Mary purposefully knocked the pitcher down. She went into the kitchen and filled the pitcher up with water and an overdose of laudanum. I had found laudanum in the ktchen cuboard. She filled a cup of water and was about to fill the rest of the cups when laura spilled the pitcher. All the laudanum was down the drain. When they sat down to eat, Mary switched the cups, so now laura had the laudanum water while Mary had the normal water. Laudanum can kill you, and that exactaly what it had done to Laura.
If you liked my short story, come back tmrw! I'll post another one. So today, Imma give you things to do during Quarentine... when your stuck in the house... and you are REALLY REALLY BORED.
  • Write a book
  • Start a blog
  • Make your own clothes
  • Play outside
  • Put on a show
  • Create a board game, then try to play it
  • Get some kentectic sand, TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.
  • Tell one of your parents to draw a random squiggle on paper, then try to create the best drawing you can out of it
  • Plan the best party ever, then mope about not being able to have that party
  • Create a youtube video, then make the video unlisted and share it with your friends on youtube
Thats all for today! From now on, my posts may be a little shorter because I have to create a story! Come back at 1:30 for some jokes! Also, make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel. You can find it here: My Youtube Channel
Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!!!

