Short Story: Gone.

Hi hi Fadoodles (SOMEBODY made fun of fadoodles... HMPH TO THAT PERSON.)! I'm BACK! Today I have another mystery story for you. Hope you like it!
Julie Parger was missing. She was gone. No one knew where she was. Except one person. One mischievous person. My name is Raymond. I am a detective.
It was Sunday morning and I was resting on my couch, reading the paper. I got a call. When I picked it up, a frantic voice came through the receiver. It was Leo, the baker's son.
         "Julie Parger is missing. Come to our house now. Thats all." Then the line went dead. I threw off my bathrobe and put on my coat. I slipped off my slippers and put on my boots. Then I ran out the door. I got into my car and drove to the bakery. The bakery had a sign in the front with the words ``Tito's Good and Great Pastries" in pink and fat letters. I walk into the shop. I see Leo and his parents sitting at the counter. They are in awe. I walk up to them and they look up. Julie was living with them. Her parents were on vacation for the month.
        "Thank Goodness you came. You can look around in our shop. She went missing two days ago. She had gone to school and never came back. She was supposed to spend the night with her friends and come back yesterday. She didn't come back." Said Mrs.Kotan, Leo's Mother. I walked into the kitchen. It smelled of Peaches. I looked around. Nothing was out of the ordinary. I went back outside and asked where Julie went to school.
          "She goes to Baxtorn Middle School." Said Leo.
           "Then that's where I'll be going." I said as I walked out the door. I got into my car and drove across town. The roads were wet from the rain. It had rained non-stop for 3 days straight. The rain had finally stopped today.
   When I finally reached the school, it was noon. I walked to the front of the school and tugged on the door. It was open. I walked into the school and looked around. I saw a light into the principal's office. I walked to the door and knocked.
         "Come in." Came a gruff voice. I opened the door and stepped inside. Principal Olman was sitting in his chair.
        "Yes?" He asked. He gestured to the chair in front of him. I sat down.
        "My name is Raymond. I am a detective. I would like to speak with all of you teachers." I say. He furrowed his eyebrows, but his mouth took on a stern look.
        "My teachers are not here. It is Sunday. I am here to finish more work." He says.
        "I shall come back on Monday." I say as I stand up and walk out the door. I get into my car and go back to the bakery. The Kotans are waiting for me.
      "Where does her friend live?" I ask. Leo runs into the kitchen. When he comes back, he has a piece of paper and a pen. Mrs.Kotan quickly jots down the address. I look at the address. I walk out of the shop and get into my car. I drive to the address. I found a small little cottage matching the address. I walk up to the door and knock. A young girl opens the door.
           "Do you know Julie Parger?" I ask quickly.
            "I'm doing Fine, Thank you. And yes, she is my best friend." She snaps back. She motions for me to come in. I do. The house was small but comfy. It was also spotless. There was not a spot of dirt, as far as I could see. Not even a hair. I step in. She sits in a chair and I take the chair in front of her.
          "What do you want?" She asks rudley.
           "First, What is your name? And second, what happened the day that Julie came over?" I ask. She looks confused.
          "My name is Hannah Becks and Julie never came over." She shouts. I am not surprised.
         "Tell me what you did that day then." I say.
         "Well, I went to the park to walk my dog. Then, I made some lunch and sat outside to eat it. Thats all. Then I mostly just read and watched T.V." She said with a shrug. I stand up and take her hand. I pull out hand cuffs and lead Hannah out the door. Hannah doesn't peep a word. Thank Goodness. HOW DID RAYMOND KNOW THAT HANNAH KIDNAPPED JULIE?
So... thats the story! Come back tommorow for the awnser! Hope you liked the story! Also, remember that there is no 1:30 post because of the short story. Stay Living. 'Till Next time, BYE!!

