Short Story: The Girl, the Maid and the Butler

Hi hi Fadoodles!! I'm BACK! As I promised, I have a short (it's kinda long tho) story. Most of these short stories will be mystries... HOPE YOU LIKE IT!

 Laura Bucherson Numbsk was killed in her apartment. She was found in her apartment dead one afternoon. There was only one person who could have done it. No one suspected this person until the end of this story. My name is Raymond. I will tell you the story. But I will not tell you the awnser. That is confedential.
      It was a friday night when I got a phone call. It was Mary Numbsk, the girl that lived around the block. She was panting.
     "What is it?" I asked.
     "My sister is dead!" She shouted. Then the line went dead. I put on my coat and shoes and ran out the door. Then I ran down the block and stopped at Mary's house. Her door was wide open. I saw that the door was perfectly fine and that the door knob was still intact.
     "Oh, Thank goodness you came!" Came a voice from the hall. I went to the hall and saw Mary with Laura in her lap. 
      "There you are! Help me put her on the bed!" Exclaimed Mary. She had a smile on her face, almost as if it didn't amtter that her sister was dead. 
          "What happened yesterday?" I asked. Then I kneeled down and lifed Laura. I layed her on the bed and brushed my hands. There was no blood of any sort on my hands. I looked at Mary, expectant.
     "I'll get my maid and butler. They are the only two people in the house." She said. Then she ran out of the room. She came back with two people. Oe was a young lady. She wore a sad look that resembled as if she were crying. The Man was old. He had a straigt face, as if he didn't want to give anything away. 
           "Tell me the details of dinner yesterday." I said. The Young girl perked up and started with her story.
           "I make dinner at five thiry because we eat at six. It was spagetti. I brought out the big bowl of spagetti and set a pitcher of water on the table. John(The Butler) was there, cleaning the talbe. Then Mary ran into the room, knocking down the huge pitcher of water. Mary was soaking wet! Then she offered to refill the pitcher. And then, without hesitation, she ran into the kitchen and refilled the pitcher of water. When she came back, she poured herself a glass of water. Then, Laura came in. She ran into the room and bumped into the table. The knocked down the pitcher again (This pitcher is unstable, we need to buy a new one)! Then she Asked John to refill the pitcher. After that, dinner went smoothly, though the girls were dripping wet." The maid said. Then she stepped back and pointed to the butler.
          "Now it's your turn." She says. The butler steps forward and startes his side of the story.
          "I was cleaning the table before dinner. Then Prislin(The maid) came in with the food. Right as she came in, Mary ran into the room. She Knocked down the whole pitcher of water! I was so surprised that I jumped back! But then she suddenly picked up the picher and ran into the kitchen. She came back with a whole entire pitcher FULL of cold water. Then she poured a glass of water for herself. Then Laura RAN HEADFIRST into the room. She knocked down the pitcher again. Then she asked me to get more water. And Thats all. The rest of dinner went as planned." He finished with a sigh. Then He stepped back. 
      "Is that all?" Asked Mary with a small smile.
      "No, I need to hear your side of the story." I say.
      "Okay, here it goes! So, before dinner, I took a shower. After the shower, I came running into the room. I accidentaly bumped into the table and the pitcher fell over. I was so wet! Anyway, I didn't want to give the Maid more work so I just went into the kitchen and filled the pitcher with more water. When I came back, I placed the pitcher on the table and poured myself a cup of water. Then laura came in and knocked down the pithcer of water. UGH. So then she asked the butler to get another pitcher. When he came back, we started eating. Thats all really. I dont think anything else would be of use to you." She stated. I contemplated what could've happened. 
          "May I look inside of your kitchen?" I asked. They nodded and I folloed them into the kitchen. It was dimley lit. I looked inside the top cabinet and found what I was looking for. 
             "Mary Numbsk, why your sister?" HOW DID RAYMOND KNOW MARY KILLED HER SISTER?
 And Thats the end! Also, days I post short stories, I wont post jokes... these stories take like 4 hrs to write. Come back Tomorrow for the awnser! Stay Living! 'Till Net time, BYE!

