
Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! I know I said that I was gonna do a short story but My short story isn't done! Which sucks... so I have something else. I have written a poem about poems. It's weird but... whatever...

By: KK

There are poem's that express 
When you're felling down and depressed
But there are poems for you
When you're not at all blue

Look deep inside a poem
(If you do know some)
And you'll find a deeper meaning
One that's intervening

The poet has a mind
It can be rough, or kind
So read a poem and what do you think?
Does the poets heart stink?

This last verse is about structure
(there is none, its all rupture)
Go read a book if you want something neat
And now this poem is complete

And... yeah! Just so you know, I will post short stories every OTHER day... they will mostly be mystery... and I'll give the awnser the next day! Thats all for today! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, BYE!!

