New Story! "Shadows"

Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! Today, Imma start writing a story. Its Realistic fiction. Every Week I'll post some of the book. I can't really post whole chapters because then I would never make it in time! The name of the book is "Shadows". I'll post the prolouge today. Hope you like it! 



   No one writes about the person sitting in the shadows. No one writes about the person who watched it all happen. My name is Tara Prezino, and I am a shadow. This is the story of Kat Learnon and how she came to be the most popular person in Ebony Middle School. But I won’t (and can’t) tell you her side of the story. I’ll tell you mine. I’m her best friend. Or used to be her best friend. We did everything together. Now she’s WAY too popular for me. I haven’t seen her since… well, since she started to hang out with Jenna Olden and her friends. More on that later, though. I played a big part in her story. She’ll tell you that it was all HER. But she doesn’t know what I did. Because I did my part in the shadows. And I did it well.


*End Of Prolouge*

Come Back Next week for some of Chapter One!!
