Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! And I have 5 more jokes for you! Tell them to your family, Tell them to your freinds! But remember, try to solve them yourself first!

1. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

2.Why did the kid tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? 

3. How did the child die while raking leaves?

4. Why can't an idiot dial 911?

5. Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?

1.Mount Everest was still the highest even though it had not been discovered.

2. She didn't want to wake up the sleeping pills!

3. He fell out of the tree.

4. He can't find the 11 on the phone!

5. He had no body to go with him!
🤣🤣 I love all of these jokes! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, BYE!

