Hi hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! Here are 5 more joke for you all! Tell then to family and friends... but try to solve them yourself first!!
1.What is the best season to jump on a trampoline?

2.What spends its days lying about on the ground but never gets dirty?

3. What is the Strongest Creature in the world?

4.What did the blanket say to the bed?

5. A man arrived in a small country town on Friday. He stayed there for three days and then left on Friday. How is that possible?
1. Springtime!

2. A Shadow

3. A Snail, it carries it's house on it's back!

4. No fears, I've got you covered!

5. His horse was called Friday!

🤣🤣 I love all of these jokes!! Thats all for today! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, Bye!!

This is the source for my jokes:
