Awnser to Yesterdays Riddle and a short Poem!

Hi hi Fadoodles! Today I have a very SHORT poem and the awnser to yesterdays riddle! so.. here it is! Also, I may not post everyday anymore... It may just be every other day... 😔. Anyways! Here is the story...

When Raymond came to the house, he noticed that there was not a a spot of dirt! Hannah couldn't have a dog, because dogs shed hair. Hannah also said that she was outside. It had been raining outside. She would've caught a cold if she went outside!

So.. thats the awnser! Did you figure it out... OR NOT?!? anyway... here is the poem, about carrots. I went to a rondom word generator and it generatated the word carrot. So Here is the poem called 

There is something you must know! 
There is a Villain that doesn't show!
It is called a Carrrot and please don't laugh
For you'll scream help, when it breaks you in half!

And yeah... thats my poem about carrots! Stay Living! 'Till next time, BYE!!!!!

