7 of Google's coolest Easter Eggs

Hi Hi Fadoodles! I'm BACK! As I said yesterday (If you haven't make sure to read yesterdays post!) Today Imma talk about 7 of GOOGLE'S COOLEST Easter Eggs! There are most likely less than yesterdays but all of them are REALY COOL! So make sure to use these... and for all you Bing, Internet Explorer and Firefox users, make sure to use GOOGLE cus these are for GOOGLE!

1. Zerg Rush: A bunch of O's Will attack you search results so make sure to tap on them to defeat them!

2. Do a Barrel Roll: Your screen will spin and spin! Want more than one Barrel Roll? Then Type "Do a Barrel Roll 20 times"!

3. Google in 1998: Want to see the old style google? Type this and you'll see Google from the 1990's!

4. Recursion: Do you ever spell something wrong and Google asks you "Did you mean?" Well Google decided to make fun of this words meaning!

5.blink HTML: You'll see all the search results blinking at you!

6. Wizard of Oz: Click the little red shoes on the side of the page and get a surprise! Everything turns Black and white! Want to go back to color? Then click the tornado!

7. Friends Phoebe: Click the small guitar on the side and get a little song!
Thats all for now! Tomorow I'll Post Some more! Stay Living! 'Till Next time, BYE!!

